People are often times confused as to which benefits they are eligible for and should apply. Given the various types of benefits out there and all the acronyms related to benefit programs, it is no wonder people are confused.
Learn more about our Sacramento Social Security Disability Attorney Services.
The benefit programs that are often confused are SSDI and SSI disability. “SSDI” stands for Social Security Disability Insurance, whereas “SSI” is an acronym for Supplemental Security Income. It is important to know the difference between these two programs because although both are operated by the Social Security Administration (“SSA”) and benefit those who are disabled they are distinct programs with different eligibility requirements.
Broadly speaking, SSDI benefits are available to those employees who have become disabled and have paid into the social security system for a certain period of time. On the other hand, SSI is means related and is only available to those who meet certain income and asset requirements.
To be eligible for SSDI benefits an applicant must have a medically recognizable disability that will prevent him or her from doing any substantial gainful activity (SGA) for at least twelve months or is likely to result in death. One’s ability to substantial gainful activity “SGA” is based on his or her ability to earn at least $1,160 per quarter. The blind are also eligible to receive SSDI benefits but the quarterly SGA amount for blind individuals is $1,740. A person can earn, at most, four quarters of coverage per year. In determining eligibility for SSDI the SSA will look to see if the applicant earned enough quarters of coverage. Generally, an applicant must have earned covered quarters for five of the last ten years.
If an applicant is awarded SSDI benefits, the amount of the monthly payment is based on income of the applicant prior to the disability. After two years of receiving SSDI benefits the applicant receives medical insurance coverage through Medicare.
SSI is intended to supplement a person’s income where the applicant has limited resources and income. Assets should be less than $2,000 for a single person and $3,000 for a married couple. The amount that one can receive through SSI is based on earned and unearned income along with the federal benefit rate. Currently, the maximum federal benefit rate for SSI is $710.00, which means that the most any person can receive through SSI is $710.00. When an application for SSI is approved the applicant is automatically eligible for medical coverage through MediCal.
We understand that navigating through the SSDI process is complicated and frustrating. If you have any questions as to whether you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits please call one of our social security disability lawyers in Sacramento.