Eason and Tambornini, ALC have handled workers compensation cases for over two decades in Northern California. Our lawyers have mastered the many facets of workers compensation claims, which result from car accidents, slip and falls, burns, and other workplace accidents resulting in injury or illness. Unfortunately, some of the claims we’ve handled have resulted in horrific injuries that change victims lives forever.
Learn more about our Sacramento Workers’ Compensation Attorney Services.
A Scaffolding Fall Changes Life Forever
A construction accident in which an employee fell ten feet from scaffolding is one such example. Our client experienced immediate inability to move his legs and decreased sensation that eventually developed into partial paralysis. He will face challenges in communication, hygiene, travel and discomfort for the rest of his life. His condition also requires medical supplies, physical therapy, wheelchair accessible housing and travel modifications, etc.
Attorneys from Eason & Tambornini hired a life care expert and submitted a plan that reflected the significant level of medical assistance required for the duration of our client’s life. When catastrophic injuries are sustained in the scope and course of employment, a life care plan is essential to ensuring the best present and future possible for the injured employee.
Elements of a Life Care Plan
The various medications, medical supplies, medical equipment and maintenance of all is included. Many prescriptions and procedures are recurring and their values are calculated according to individual cost and life expectancy.
Care for an individual with such limitations must reflect potential future risks as well. As the victim of a spinal cord injury, our client is at increased risk for infection, new injury, impaired skin integrity, imbalanced body temperature, pressure ulcers, autonomic dysreflexia and other ailments.
Additionally, life care plans may take into account the injury’s effects on the victim’s abilities to move . Our client, for example, will need a power wheelchair to move for the duration of his life. It must be replaced every 5-7 years and needs batteries, multiple cushions and a security pouch. He requires a modified van to travel and driver’s training with hand controls.
Life care plans account for the immediate and future medical treatment required, home care and modifications to home and travel as required. Our attorneys take very seriously the responsibility of providing a complete standard of care for clients injured on the job.
Top-Rated Workers Compensation Attorneys
Workers Compensation lawyers at Eason & Tambornini are consistently rated as the best in their field by clients, peers and medical evaluators. Our attorneys are experts when it comes to employee’s rights to medical treatment, temporary and permanent disability and medical examiners. We understand how an injury can affect not only the victim’s abilities but also their loved one’s quality of life. Our attorneys will communicate consistently, go through every detail with our clients and always fight for employee’s rights.