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Knee Pain After a Motorcycle Accident

Mild knee pain after a motorcycle accident usually resolves on its own after a few days. If you or your loved one is suffering from persistent knee pain despite medical treatment, then talk to one of our Eason & Tambornini personal injury lawyers to learn more about your options. We’ll help explain the causes of knee injuries, why knee pain occurs, complications from knee injuries, and treatment for a twisted knee. If you have more questions or concerns about injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident, please call us to set up a free consultation with one of our lawyers.

Learn more about our Sacramento Motorcycle Accident Attorney Services.

What are the causes of knee injury?

The most common causes of knee injury in traumatic accidents are posterior and anterior cruciate ligament tears, medial and lateral collateral ligament injuries, medial and lateral menisci damage, as well as patellar dislocation or fracture.

Why does knee pain occur?

Knee Pain After Motorcycle AccidentMany issues can affect the knee joint and cause pain– arthritis of the knees, gout, autoimmune inflammatory diseases that affect the joints, blunt trauma to the knee resulting from accidents, sports injuries, slip-and-fall accidents, etc.

Any of these can trigger the cells to release pain signals and start the inflammatory process. The cells involved in inflammation not only recruit other cells to the site but they also release chemicals that dilate the blood vessels and cause fluid to accumulate in the injured site. This, in turn, will result in swelling typically associated with tissue injuries. The influx of blood is also responsible for the redness and warmth common in any swelling.

What are the complications of knee problems after a motorcycle accident?

You can develop many complications from your knee problems after an accident. Because pain can be very limiting, you tend to avoid moving the painful area. Now, limiting knee movements is okay since the tissues need to heal, but if you don’t move the knee, it could result in knee stiffness and limitations in the knee’s range of motion.

Knee problems caused by accidents can also increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis in the future, especially if you sustain knee joint fractures and subluxations. The trauma weakened the knee structures, and if the bones healed incorrectly, it could even lead to the development of bone spurs, which is very painful.

If you don’t receive proper treatment for your knee problems, you can develop long-term disabilities that affect your personal and professional life. The injuries can limit you and prevent you from going back to work.

What can you do for a twisted knee?

Suddenly and forcefully twisting your knee stretches the ligaments found within the knee and causes minuscule injuries and tearing of these ligaments. If the impact is severe, it can even tear the ligaments apart. The only way to correct torn ligaments is by surgery and immobilization. After the tissues have healed, you must undergo physical therapy to regain knee strength and range of motion.

For minor knee injuries, though, pain and anti-inflammatory drugs usually take care of the problem. You can also try a hot and cold compress to help reduce pain and swelling.

Your doctor may also prescribe supportive devices like splints to protect the knee joint and limit its movement while healing. If you’re not allowed to bear weight on the affected joint, you can use crutches to help you move around.

What can you do?

Knee injuries can cause complications that can significantly impact your life. If you or your loved one sustained knee injuries from a motorcycle accident, please give us a call immediately so we can help you with your legal options. A Sacramento motorcycle accident lawyer can help answer your questions about the causes of traumatic knee injuries and why pain and swelling occur from knee injuries. These complications can develop from knee injuries and treatment options for a twisted knee.

You can always give one of our Eason & Tambornini personal injury lawyers a call if you have additional questions and concerns regarding traumatic injuries like knee pain after a motorcycle accident, and we will help you through the legal process.