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The Most Common Places for Pedestrian Accidents

The Most Common Places for Pedestrian AccidentsPedestrians can be found almost anywhere, on the sidewalks, parking lots, and nearby heavy traffic areas. Pedestrian accidents can happen in some places that people don’t expect. Pedestrians are subjected to an extreme amount of risk from drivers due to their lack of protection compared to passenger vehicles and other forms of transportation. Accidents involving pedestrians are usually extremely traumatic and often result in severe personal injuries or wrongful death. This post will cover Pedestrian accident data, the most common pedestrian accident places, and how to avoid pedestrian accidents.

Learn more about our Sacramento Pedestrian Accident Attorney Services.

Pedestrian accident data

  • In 2018, more than 14,000 pedestrians suffered injuries due to accidents. 
  • Between 2009 and 2018, nearly 7,500 pedestrians died in motor vehicle accidents.
  • California’s pedestrian fatality rate is 25% higher than the national average.
  • No other state in the U.S. has a higher fatality rate for pedestrians on its roadways than California.

The most common pedestrian accident places

According to the NHTSA, 81% of all fatal pedestrian accidents occur in urban areas. The main reason for these high-level fatalities is the high concentration of Pedestrians and motorists. Specifically, these areas can include parking lots, shopping plazas, driveways, shared pathways, sidewalks, bike lanes, and parking lanes. Most fatal pedestrian accidents occur in the evening or at night when visibility is low, and pedestrians are harder to see from a distance.

How to avoid pedestrian accidents

Tips for avoiding pedestrian accidents include:

  • Being aware of your surroundings and understanding the rules of the road. 
  • Make yourself noticeable to other drivers.
  • Staying out of harm’s way and away from heavily trafficked areas while on foot. 
  • Wear reflective or bright clothing that contrasts the place where you are walking. 
  • Carrying a light while walking at night. 
  • Always obey street traffic lights and stay out of the roadway when possible.

How a Pedestrian Accident Attorney Can Help

If you’re involved in a pedestrian accident, the best way to ensure that your financial future, personal health, and well-being are best protected is by consulting with a pedestrian accident attorney. At Eason Tambornini, A law corporation, our expert pedestrian accident attorneys have handled countless cases involving pedestrian accidents and motor vehicles. Our team of personal injury experts will evaluate your case and determine the best course of action for obtaining the legal settlement you deserve to recover from your injuries. Our attorneys will work with your insurance company and the other driver’s insurance company to determine who is at fault and ensure that the proper settlement is reached for your situation. 

Do not hesitate to call if you or a loved one is involved in a pedestrian accident. Our attorneys offer free consultations, and there is zero obligation unless you are willing to proceed further with our services. To speak with a Sacramento pedestrian accident attorney member of our team and evaluate whether your case is in good standing, call us at 916-438-1819 to talk to a team member and take advantage of your free no-obligation consultation today.