If your hearing has been impaired and if you suffered from constant ringing in the ears after a truck accident, it is crucial that you immediately speak with our Eason & Tambornini personal injury attorneys about your case. We regularly handle complex cases resulting in hearing loss or tinnitus secondary to whiplash or airbag injuries. Please call us to schedule a free legal consultation with one of our Eason & Tambornini personal injury attorneys.
Learn more about our Sacramento Truck Accident Attorney Services.
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Tinnitus is characterized by an annoying sensation of hearing sound (ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking, or hissing) in one or both ears when no external sound is present. This phantom noise may develop days or weeks after a truck accident and vary in pitch. In severe cases, the ringing can be so loud that it can interfere with your ability to concentrate or hear actual sounds. In a truck accident, the impact force can severely damage the tiny sensory hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. This, in turn, leads to sensory loss of specific sound frequencies that impair the brain’s ability to process sound. Tinnitus is the brain’s compensatory mechanism for the missing sound frequencies it no longer receives.
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Whiplash describes a range of injuries caused by the sudden distortion of the neck. In a whiplash injury, the rapid and sudden hyperextension and hyperflexion of the neck can cause direct trauma to the head as well as to the tiny sensory hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. Even without head trauma, blunt force neck injury may also damage the hair cells of the inner ear, leading to tinnitus. Although less severe, tinnitus is indicative of an impending permanent hearing loss and traumatic brain injury. Therefore, if you experienced tinnitus or hearing loss after a truck accident, consult with a highly experienced ear specialist or neurosurgeon to be accurately diagnosed and recover the maximum compensation.
Can you get whiplash in your lower back?
Hearing loss can sometimes occur with traumatic brain injury related to a truck accident. It can occur immediately after the accident, or it may take some time to develop. This can result from damage to the tiny bones in the middle ear or hair cells of the inner ear. Even if direct trauma to the ear is not present during a truck accident, a person with a traumatic brain injury can have hearing loss that is caused by the way sound is processed in the brain. If you experienced hearing loss following a head injury, consult immediately with your doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment.
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It is possible for neck conditions, especially neck injuries sustained after a truck accident, to cause tinnitus. The force from the impact can lead to strain of neck muscles, sprain of neck ligaments, and whiplash injuries that may damage the tiny bones in the middle ear or the hair cells of the inner ear, resulting in ringing in the ears. In short, everything in the neck, spine, and brain are interconnected. It is of utmost importance for you to undergo a thorough neurological examination after a truck accident to prevent debilitating injuries that may force you to adjust to life with impaired hearing.
What can you do?
We understand that tinnitus, loss of hearing, and other hearing impairments can drastically disrupt your quality of life and be signs of more significant problems later on. The medical expenses of hearing loss can be profound, and your financial losses will likely be substantial due to reduced earning potential. If you find yourself concerned about your ear health and other financial matters, let our Eason & Tambornini Sacramento truck accident attorneys fight for you to ensure that you are fairly compensated for any losses, including pain and suffering, that may be a result of hearing loss after a truck accident.