Stockton Wrongful Death Attorneys
The sudden loss of a loved one is traumatic at any age and for any reason. And when the loss of a loved one is due to negligence or recklessness at the hands of another, the entire experience is even more painful. But what if the loss also means a significant reduction in or complete absence of income? The loss of income can devastate surviving family members when a two-income household becomes a no-income household overnight.
Whether you are a surviving spouse or other surviving family member, such as a parent, help is available if your loved one has died due to someone’s negligence. For over thirty years, Eason & Tambornini’s Stockton wrongful death attorneys have helped surviving family members secure the compensation they deserve for the wrongful death of a loved one. Our legal team will fight aggressively and fairly for your right to fair compensation.
Regardless of whether your deceased loved one was the sole income earner in the home, you have a right to be fully compensated for the loss of current and future wages, in addition to medical bills and more.
Our Stockton lawyers understand that you may feel overwhelmed while grieving a loved one. We are prepared to handle everything: gathering medical records and other evidence, meeting all court filing deadlines, hiring an investigator, and any other tasks required to pursue a claim.
We are proud members in good standing of the San Joaquin County Bar Association, Capitol City Trial Lawyers Association (CCTLA), Stockton Chamber of Commerce and have been members in good standing of the California State Bar for over thirty years.
To schedule a free, no-risk consultation, contact one of our lawyers today at (209) 323-5126. If you don’t win a settlement, you pay nothing.
Quick Question
Wrongful Death in California
For a death to be considered a wrongful death under California law, it has to be caused by someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions. This means that a person or organization didn’t take the proper care they should have, leading to a tragic and preventable loss. In other words, your loved one’s death wouldn’t have occurred if it weren’t for the careless actions—or lack of action—by the responsible party.
If your loved one lost their life due to the negligence of another person or entity, regardless of the circumstances, you may be entitled to compensation. Our legal team can help sort everything out and get you the legally owed money.
Types of Wrongful Death Damages
Certain heirs may seek two types of compensation in the case of the wrongful death of a child or adult: economic and non-economic.
- Economic damages affect your finances. Our legal team will find expert witnesses, such as accountants, to help determine a dollar amount. Other economic damages may be the funeral cost and the deceased person’s future earning potential.
- Non-economic damages are compensation that requires skill and experience to prove. Our lawyers will consider the level of loss of companionship, comfort, protection, and more when determining a reasonable amount of non-economic damages to pursue.
FAQ: Is hiring one of our Stockton wrongful death attorneys necessary to file a claim?
Hiring a Stockton personal injury lawyer is optional. Still, the process is complicated, especially when dealing with highly aggressive insurance companies who will only protect their bottom line and not look out for your financial needs. Hiring a local attorney who is highly familiar with the area, including the roadways and other common places where wrongful deaths occur, and is familiar with San Joaquin Superior Court can benefit your case. Whether it is a vehicle accident on I-5 Highway 99 or another type of tragedy, our team brings a combined total of over 100 years of experience to every case.
Benefits of Hiring one of our Lawyers
The first and typically most important benefit to the loved one filing the claim is that your lawyer handles all communications and negotiations. You don’t have to worry about jeopardizing your claim by saying the wrong thing. The second most important benefit to hiring one of our Stockton wrongful death attorneys is that we will skillfully present the facts and fight relentlessly on your behalf whether the case is settled out of court or goes to trial.
Wrongful Death Claims and Who Can File
Typically, under California law, only specific family members of the deceased may file a wrongful death claim, including:
- Spouse or domestic partner
- Surviving children
- Other: if no surviving immediate family member exists, the law allows for a parent or sibling to file a wrongful death suit if certain conditions are met.
If you aren’t sure whether you can file a wrongful death claim based on the above information, don’t give up hope. Call one of our lawyers and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We will answer your questions and provide clarity.
FAQ: What determines the amount of a wrongful death settlement?
As your lawyer will explain, many factors come into play when the final settlement is calculated. Some of those factors include:
- The deceased person’s age and income at the time of death
- The future earning potential of the deceased
- The value of the deceased person’s lost benefits (e.g., health insurance, pension, etc.)
- Outstanding medical bills that have not been paid
These are just a few considerations in a wrongful death settlement. A successful outcome depends heavily on having an experienced lawyer on your side.
Wrongful Death vs. Accidental Death
A critical factor in determining wrongful death is intent and whether the person being held responsible acted recklessly (with negligence) with the intent of purposely harming.
Here is one hypothetical example: Suppose a car driver entering the intersection of Hammer Lane and West Lane, one of Stockton’s most dangerous intersections, is texting while driving (“distracted driving,” which is illegal and considered negligence under California law). If that driver kills a cyclist, the spouse of the deceased person could file a wrongful death lawsuit.
On the other hand, if an adult is hiking on a remote trail in the American River Canyon by himself and a boulder loosens on a cliff above him, striking and killing him, it would likely be deemed an accident because there would simply be no other party who behaved recklessly or negligently to cause his death.
FAQ: Do government organizations have immunity from wrongful death cases in California?
While there are many variables to consider, which your Stockton wrongful death lawyer can explain, examples of wrongful death situations in which a government entity may not have immunity include:
- Poorly or improperly marked roadway construction warnings
- Poorly maintained public walkways or sidewalks
- A slip and fall
- Abuse or injury of a student by a school employee
Unlike privately held companies, government entities sometimes have protections (immunity) from legal actions.
Wrongful Death and Criminal Cases
Unlike criminal cases, which the government must initiate, wrongful death claims are civil lawsuits between private parties. And while a criminal case may result in a jail or prison sentence, it does not provide financial compensation to the deceased person’s family. This means that a loved one of the deceased person may file a wrongful death lawsuit while the criminal case is ongoing.
Contact our Stockton Wrongful Death Lawyers Today
Wrongful death cases are not simple. If you think you have suffered the loss of your loved one due to the negligence of another, the Stockton wrongful death lawyers at Eason & Tambornini may be able to help. Our initial consultations are free; you pay nothing if you don’t win a settlement.
Call Eason & Tambornini at (209) 323-5126 to schedule your free consultation.
- $6,200,000: drunk driving, loss of two loved ones
- $3,000,000: underaged woman over-served alcohol
- $3,000,000: drunk driver
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