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Tip for taking notes after a car accident

One of the best things someone can do after a car accident is to write down anything you can remember about the accident. Taking notes that detail your injuries and how your injuries have affected you is also extremely important. Notes are especially beneficial when dealing with the insurance company or if you intend to file a personal injury lawsuit. Insurance companies must defend their insured, so the burden is on you to prove that you are severely injured and that their insured is responsible for the accident. Taking notes after a car accident will make it much easier to recount what happened to the insurance company, as you may not remember the weeks to months after the accident. 

Learn more about our Sacramento Car Accident Attorney Services.

Tip for taking notes after a car accident

Write down everything you can remember about the moments leading up to and during the accident. To start, write down where you were going and who was with you. You should make sure to include the date, time, and weather conditions on the day of the accident in your notes. If applicable to your accident, write down the location of any traffic signals or road signs. Include details about what you saw, heard, and felt during and immediately after impact. Also, note anything you may have done to avoid the impact.

It is also necessary to write down basic information about any other people and cars involved in the accident. Information such as the other driver’s contact information, insurance information, and driver’s license number is essential. Also, write down information about the make, model, color, and license plate number of the other vehicle involved in the accident. Include notes of any noticeable injuries the other driver or passengers may have sustained or if they made any comments about the accident at the scene. 

In the days following the accident, we recommend taking notes daily to document your injuries and how you are recovering after the accident. Document any injuries you are suffering from, even if it is not as severe as another injury. Keep a note of the contact information for every doctor that you saw or treated you after the accident. Include the dates and costs associated with any of the appointments.

The Eason & Tambornini car accident attorneys also recommend writing down anything you told the doctor or anything the doctor may have told you about your condition, such as if you need treatment, and what you can expect in the future. If a doctor prescribed you any medications and if you had any side effects from the medications, that is important to note.

Write down if you are suffering from any pain or discomfort or any feeling of anxiety, depression, or any sleep interruptions such as bad dreams or night terrors. If your injuries from the accident have made you miss work, class, family gatherings, or vacations, you should also note that you may be entitled to some compensation for those losses. 

Car accidents can be highly traumatic. After a car accident, you may often have to recount the accident details when dealing with insurance companies. Having notes that remind you of the accident’s details is invaluable, so you do not have to rely on your memory alone.

If you have been injured in a car accident and are having trouble dealing with the insurance companies, contact an Eason and Tambornini car accident attorney in Sacramento today.