We all know driving is hazardous while texting, talking on the phone, or surfing the web. Most states have made it illegal, and much of the world has banned smartphone use while driving. But plenty of other technology products are equally distracting and dangerous. New technology emerges almost daily, making it extremely difficult to regulate the various forms of communication and how they impair drivers. Most recently, the United Kingdom’s Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) came out with new findings that claimed it could be more dangerous and distracting for drivers to use smartwatches than smartphones.
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“The TRL found that a driver reading a text on a smartwatch takes an average of 2.52 seconds to react to an unexpected event. That compares with 1.85 seconds for a driver using a smartphone and 0.9 seconds for a driver talking to someone else in the car.” – www.digitaltrends.com
Today, there are laws that could be used against smartwatch users. These include driving without proper care and attention and using “distracting electronics.” While further studies will need to take place to determine exactly how dangerous smartwatches can be, it is likely that new legislation will appear in the near future regarding these new technologies.
With new technologies come new laws. Unfortunately, these laws often take years to go into effect. Meanwhile, innocent drivers are at risk of accidents caused by distracted drivers using their smartwatches. A handful of U.S. states are considering legislation to cover the use of smartwatches. For those with smartwatches, it’s best to ignore the buzzes and noises from your watch and concentrate on the road. For those who have been in an accident due to a distracted smartwatch user, contact a knowledgeable car accident lawyer who can navigate the ever-evolving technology legislation. If you have questions regarding smartwatch use and current technology legislation or have been in a car accident with someone using a smartwatch, contact Eason & Tambornini, A Law Corporation, today.