Large commercial trucks consist of almost 13% of all motor vehicles on American roadways. The trucking industry employs around 3.6 million truck drivers a year and is an indispensable component of the American economy. However, truck accidents often cause substantial property damage and catastrophic injuries due to the trucks’ sheer weight and size. When a truck is fully loaded, it can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, which is about 20-30 times that of a passenger vehicle. If a truck and a passenger vehicle were to collide, then the occupants of the smaller vehicle are at a greater risk of suffering a substantial injury or even death.
In 2018, a total of 4,136 people died in a truck accident. Of those deaths, 16 percent were truck occupants, 67 percent were occupants of other vehicles, and 15 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists.
Learn more about our Sacramento Truck Accident Attorney Services.

Jackknife accidents occur when a truck brakes suddenly, causing their trailer to swing out to a ninety-degree angle. A jackknifed truck can easily roll-over and cause an even more deadly accident.
When a truck driver loses control, the trailer can slide and roll over on its side.
Head-on and rear-end truck accidents are extremely dangerous, especially to drivers in smaller vehicles, often causing serious injury or death. Head-on accidents occur when the front of a truck collides with the front of another vehicle. A rear-end collision occurs when the front of a truck collides with the back of another vehicle.
One of the deadliest types of truck accidents is underride accidents. Underride accidents most often occur when a truck quickly stops, and a smaller vehicle approaching behind becomes stuck under the truck’s trailer.
T-bone accidents occur when the front of a vehicle makes contact with the side of another vehicle. At the point of impact, the vehicles form a “T” shape. It usually occurs at a stop sign or a red light when one vehicle drivers through the intersection at the same time as another vehicle.
Large commercial trucks are incredibly vulnerable to tire failure. Oftentimes, tire blowouts cause a truck driver to lose control and roll-over. This is not only a danger to the truck driver but also to other drivers on the road.
If truck cargo is inadequately secured, it can be hazardous to other motorists. Unsecured cargo does not only mean objects falling from the back of trucks. It also means a truck with an imbalance load, which can cause a truck to roll-over.
What can you do?
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, it can be an immensely overwhelming experience. Not only are you recovering from significant physical injuries, but you may also be recovering emotionally. If you or a loved one were injured in a truck accident, do not hesitate to reach out to one of our Eason & Tambornini Sacramento truck accident lawyers.