If a semi-truck, tractor-trailer, bus has injured you, or some other commercial vehicle, there are critical steps you should take immediately to protect your personal injury claims.
Learn more about our Sacramento Truck Accident Attorney Services.
Evidence of Truck Accident or Truck Wreck Scene
Immediately after a truck accident or a truck wreck, you or someone on your behalf (such as a truck accident lawyer) should gather as much evidence as possible. Besides license and insurance information, you should try to collect other information such as the name of the trucking company and all Department of Transportation (DOT) numbers on the truck AND the trailer, as they may be different; the names of any advertisements on the truck that might identify who the car was carrying cargo for.
Find Witnesses
In addition to identifying the truck’s owner, operators, and responsible parties, try to obtain any witness information that may be available. Likewise, determine if any nearby stores have video surveillance cameras.
Take Photos
Could you take as many photographs of the truck accident scene as possible from different angles and perspectives? Even photos taken with a cell phone camera can be precious. Photographs of skid marks, or the lack thereof, can be beneficial. Also, taking pictures of the damages can assist truck accident lawyers in establishing the significance of the impact.
Immediately Seek Medical Care and Follow the Doctor’s Instructions
In addition to establishing who is at fault in a truck accident, truck accident lawyers must prove the extent of your injuries. The primary method for a truck accident lawyer to establish your injuries is through medical records and medical testimonies.
So, if you are injured, you should immediately seek medical treatment, if you don’t mind. It is essential to seek timely treatment and follow your doctor’s instructions. If you do not follow your doctor’s instructions, many insurance adjusters and potentially judges or juries will interpret that failure to follow instructions as your admission that your injuries no longer exist. Carefully follow your doctor’s care to avoid this challenge and increase the chances of getting better the quickest.
Do Not Give Any Statements, Written or Oral, Recorded or Otherwise, without First Consulting with a Truck Accident Lawyer
Almost all of us have seen our words twisted or misused at some point in our lives. Your record and version of the events must be clear and interpreted accurately when you have been involved in a truck accident. As such, you mustn’t give anyone any statements without consulting a truck accident attorney. A truck accident attorney will ensure that your statements are clearly interpreted, truthful, accurate, and helpful to your case.
How long do you have to File a Suit for a Truck Accident?
Evidence starts disappearing as soon as the vehicles are moved at the accident scene, so hiring a truck accident attorney on time is always wise. Typically, the sooner you get someone on your side, the better off you will be.
In California, you generally have two years to file a lawsuit for personal injuries. However, many statutes and laws shorten that period, some to as few as six months. The period you have to file a lawsuit is often called the Statute of Limitations. In most situations, your case is forever barred if you are one day late on the Statute of Limitations. Consequently, you should never delay seeking advice from a truck accident attorney in Sacramento following a truck wreck.