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What to do if you have a car, truck, or motorcyle personal injury case?

When you have been injured in a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, or otherwise have a personal injury case, what you do early in that case can have a significant impact on your future.

Learn more about our Sacramento Personal Injury Attorney Services.

Seek Medical Treatment

First, please seek immediate medical treatment for your injury if you need it. If you don’t seek treatment immediately, you risk insurance companies denying your claim as unrelated to the accident.

When seeking that care, you must tell your treating physicians not only the parts of your body that hurt the most but all of the parts of your body that are in pain.

Too often, we see injured victims only reporting the most serious of their problems. Then, once those medical conditions resolve, the more minor issues linger, and victims can find themselves struggling to prove that those conditions arose out of the same personal injury accident.

Consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer

As soon as reasonably possible after you have been injured, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer. Timing is particularly critical as insurance adjusters and law enforcement may contact you to get your statements.

While an excellent personal injury lawyer will ensure you tell the truth during the investigations, they can advise you on responding to the questions to ensure that your claims are appropriately identified, documented, and explained. Many people mistakenly try to go about it unrepresented in these investigation phases and see their cases significantly impacted later.

Don’t Speak with Anyone Other Than Your Personal Injury Lawyer About Your Case

An excellent personal injury lawyer will handle all communication with the insurance adjusters, investigators, or potential defendants. You should avoid allowing anyone to pressure you into making recorded statements. These statements will virtually never be used for your benefit but by the other side to avoid compensating you for your claim.

Get the Treatment for the Personal Injury Claim That You Need

After a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, the goal should be to try and get healthy. Virtually everyone who has been in a severe accident will tell you that they would trade all of the money in the world to get their health back.

When you are in an accident, you must follow through with the treatment suggested by your medical providers. This ensures your best chance of recovery and is a critical measuring stick in your recovery progress. Unfortunately, if you are not following through with the treatment, others will likely infer (from that lack of follow-through) that your condition has resolved and you are no longer in pain.

Keep Your Personal Injury Lawyer Informed of the Status of Your Treatment

Letting your injury lawyer know about your treatment and condition would be best. If you need help finding a physician or doctor to treat you, please discuss that with your attorney. Also, if you think your condition no longer needs treatment, please inform your injury lawyer so they can begin the claim resolution process.

Most good personal injury lawyers wait for their clients’ medical conditions to stabilize before resolving the personal injury claims. Unfortunately, we often receive questions from injured victims wanting to reopen cases settled by their prior personal injury lawyers when the victims were still in pain.

If you have a personal injury claim from a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, or similar situation, please call one of the personal injury lawyers at Eason & Tambornini, A Law Corporation, to discuss what to do if you have a Personal Injury Case.