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Why Should I Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

We’re often asked, “Should I hire a Sacramento personal injury attorney if I don’t want to go to trial and just want to settle the case on my own?” The answer depends on many factors, including the amount at stake in the case, your understanding of the claims process, and your free time.

Learn more about our Sacramento Personal Injury Attorney Services.

For example, if you’ve got a case where the amount at stake is so small that it won’t change your day, week, or month, then you should do it on your own. It’s a small case and can be handled without distracting you from more important concerns. However, suppose you’ve got a case in which you think you’re entitled to a significant amount of money and one that’s important in your financial portfolio. In that case, you absolutely should get an attorney. Why risk thousands of dollars on something that you’re not familiar with?

In addition to the amount of money at stake, some people simply don’t understand the process or don’t want to understand the process. Lawsuit claims are very complicated, even if the matter seems simple. Questions may arise that you have trouble answering:

  • How much do you have to pay back in liens?
  • What is the value of my injury worth?
  • How do I get my medical records in billing?
  • Do I have to pay all of that back?”

Those are essential questions that, if you don’t know the answer to, that’s where a lawyer can add lots of value. It’s our job to know these answers and to be able to clearly explain what is happening at each stage of your case.

Finally, you don’t want to do some things yourself because it’s not fun. Is this claim or lawsuit taking time out of your day, exhausting your mental and physical energy, and causing you to worry and think about this? If so, that’s the kind of thing you should turn over to an attorney and let them handle all those details for you so you can get better and move forward.